Sunday, September 22, 2013

Sony Will Loose Money on PlayStation 4

When PlayStation 4 hits the stores Sony will not be making any money from selling the console. In fact they will be loosing money each time they sell a PlayStation 4. This will be minimal loss, somewhere about 60 USD, witch they will get back once a buyer buys a game and gets a PlayStation Plus membership.

Sony is hopping that PlayStation 4 will become profitable much faster then it's predecessor. PlayStation 3 had a high production cost because of the Cell processor, so it only become profitable after a few years of selling.

Microsoft has announced that they will be selling the Xbox One console whithout losses. Xbox One is a 100 USD more expensive but Kinect is included in the price, while with the PlayStation 4 you have to buy PlayStation Move separately.

Both companies Sony and Microsoft have invested a lot of money in their next generation consoles, so we guess these console wars should be interesting. Witch will be the best thing for the gamers worldwide.

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