Thursday, September 26, 2013

Oculus Rift Attack on the Death Star

Still didn't hear about Oculus Rift project, don't worry you will definitely hear something about this gadget in months to come. Oculus Rift is a new technology that's trying to bring virtual reality to people everywhere. It's not released yet but you can order a developer edition that's going to start selling in November. The price is $300.

Boone Calhoun made a demo Star Wars: Trench Run in witch you fly X-wing and try to destroy the Death Star. The X-wing isn't 100% as in the movie but it still looks pretty good. Playing  a game in virtual reality is something the gamers have wanted for many years and Oculus Rift is bringing that to gamers worldwide. Could this project be the revolution in gaming that we are waiting for, time will tell. But we certainly hope so.

Oculus Rift project collected 16 million dollars of investments, 2.4 million was collected on Kickstarter. The second version of Oculus Rift is in the making. It's suppose to be smaller, lighter, wireless, bring 1080p resolution and better motion sensors then the developer edition.

Check out this YouTube video and see how the project works.


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