Monday, September 30, 2013

Nokia Lumia 520 Most Sold Windows Device

Smartphone from Nokia is the most sold device worldwide that's running Windows. This includes other smartphones, tablets and PC. This is important information for Microsoft because it shows the change in the market. Number of laptops and PC sales is decreasing, but smarphone and tablet market is on the rise. So it's no wonder that Microsoft is turning to mobile market and this is why their purchase of Nokia was important.

There was no information on how many Nokia Lumia 520 smartphones was sold. Only thing is that Lumia 520 isn't a flagship phone, it's a budget phone. Even whit this still good news for Redmond. Each year more then 3 billion Windows devices are sold, but this includes a lot of different companies.

Nokia is holding their last press event on October 22 in which they plan to announce 6 devices and accessories. One of those devices is their first phablet Lumia 1520. Another device is their tablet Lumia 2520 running WindowsRT. What's interesting about this is that Microsoft has just announced their tablet Surface2, also running Windows RT. So don't be surprised to see that Lumia 2520 gets pulled from the market once Microsoft ownership of Nokia is official. Considering the work and resources that htey put in the making of Surface 2 it's not very likely that they want to compete against their own device.

More will be known once Surface 2 hits the stores and Nokia holds it's event.

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