Sunday, August 31, 2014

T-Mobile for sale

Financial troubles for T-Mobile are far from over, the fact that there are not doing well is no secret. So far no one was able to buy them, but that doesn't mean they are not for sale.

AT&T was unsuccessfully in purchase of T-Mobile a few years ago, the price was to high for them at the time. Another US carrier tried to buy them earlier this month, this time it was Sprint. They teamed up with Soft bank and wanted to buy T-Mobile. Their reason of backing out of the acquisition was the fact that there is to many regulatory hurdles in the way.

FCC has expressed their concern about the sale of T-Mobile, they feel that the acquisition of this company by another US carrier company will have a devastating impact on the market. They could be right in their statement, joining of the two carriers could be the end for the competition. However Deutsche Telekom, the owner of T-Mobile is not concern with the FCC and is still adamant in their decision to sell.

So are there any other potential buyers? Well none that really matter or that can actually afford to buy this company. Current selling price is $35 per share, this is $5 more then the official current trading price. With this price the total amount goes up to $24.19 billion. Not an easy offer to make by any company. So what's the alternative, if Deutsche Telekom is still insisting on sale, the company could be sold in pieces and that seems like a bad idea all together.

Of course the ones that will suffer the most from the sale will be the costumers. Why? Because ever since T-Mobile got on the US market they are trying to shake things up. Probably the only company with the original approach at this moment, their prices and offers are pretty great. It will be sad to see them go, hope there is a chance they can still turn things around.

Source bloomberg.

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