Thursday, October 3, 2013

Apple Rummors: iWatch, iTV, iPad

Rumors, rumors everywhere. Nothing new for the IT giant Apple. After the iPhone lineup release the rumors on other products are all over tech websites. Next event is about iPad so there are a lot of rumors about those projects, but there is also a lot of talk about iWatch and iTV, products that are not eve officially announced by Apple.


Apple has recently brought Nike FuelBand developer Jay Blahnik on board, so the rumors of iWach being a sport gadget became popular. Also the new smartwatch could have a flexible display. According to the rummors Apple is already testing different screen sizes betwen 1,3 and 1,5 inches. Samsung Galaxy Gear has already been release but people are mostly disappointed by the device, it's not very innovative. Apple will have to bring better user experiance if the iWatch is going to become popular and that's something Apple is very good at.


Another job opens up at Apple. Company has just hired Cable TV executive Jean François Mulé as an engineering director. Mulé status on Lindekin about his new job was “challenged, inspired and part of something big.” Ofcourse after this the rumors about Apple TV started all over the Internet. Those rumors where even popular before this news broke out. Looks like things are starting to heat up at Cupertino.


Next Apple event is about the new iPad lineup. The event should be on October 15 but nothing has been confirmed yet. Much of the focus is on the iPad Mini, the 7 inch tablet. Will it get a retina display like the 10 inch iPad. Well according to the latest rumors and photos leaked, looks like the mini version is not getting a retina display this year. But what it will get is an 8-megapixel camera to be ahead of the competition. Tablet market is more competitive then ever. With the new Nexus 7 and Microsoft Surface 2, the tablet market is full of great products. Good news for anyone buying a tablet.

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