Saturday, January 18, 2014

Tizen Smartphone Delayed Again

Samsung has been trying for some time now to launch their own operating system named Tizen. Their best hope was Japan but it seems like that has been delayed and the hole future of the OS is very uncertain. Japanese carrier announced that they will not support Tizen because the market is not big enough for another operating system.

“The market is not big enough to support three operating systems at this time,” official statement from the carriers representative.

South Korean company was planing to launch Tizen smartphone last year but that was delayed and now more bad news. According to Samsung the new operating system is bringing some new features that will push it ahead of the competition and it is all running on HTML-5. Tizen is supposed to be used as multi platform operating system, it would run on everything cameras, smartphones, laptops, tablets and tv's.

Samsung is the worlds top seller of  Android devices, leading the sales in smartphones and tablets. Their biggest competition is Apple and looks like they want to take a page from their book and control both hardware and software, which is a pretty good idea. Samsung feels responsible for the growth of the Android operating system and they want to do the same thing with Tizen.

According to the rumors we should see the first Tizen smartphone on Mobile World Congress in Barcelona.

Source WSJ.

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