Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Microsoft Wants Windows on HTC Android Phones

We all know HTC is having some serious financial troubles and looks like Microsoft has a proposition for them. Basicly they want to take advantage of their financial troubles. Microsoft WindowsPhone operating system is doing very well at the market and HTC sales of smartphones are not going very well either. Solution, let's team up for better results.

Microsoft wants HTC to put their WP platform on Android devices. If HTC agrees to this they would be speared from paying the licence on WindowsPhone OS. That means they would get WP on their devices for free. HTC already has WP smartphone lineup but their focus is on Android devices. Flagship phone HTC ONE is running Android.

HTC has recently reported their financial results and they have their first annual loss since the company has been founded. The loss is over $100 million. This putts the company in very bad position, so some sort of deal between Microsoft and HTC is very likely to happen. At this point it looks like they don't have any better alternatives. These negotiations have just started so it's very hard to say what the final deal will be like. One thing is sure HTC is running out of time so they definitely need to change something and fast.

Microsoft OS on smartphones WP is currently on only 4% devices worldwide and you can be sure that the giant from Redmond isn't going to be happy with that. Sure, they have bought Nokia so they can start making their own smartphones but they also want other companies to make WP devices.

More on the story right here.

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